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Basically the exact same thing as greek mythology, but for some reason people accept it as the truth and shrug off mythology claiming it's ridiculous. God is also a way for people to explain the unexplainable... until science makes it look like a stupid childrens story.

Mom- "Human sin came about when a snake told Eve to eat an apple off this tree and she would be all-knowing."
Kid- "I beg your pardon?"

Mom- "One time, Jesus cured a blind man by putting mud on his face."
Kid- "I beg your pardon?"

Mom- "God didn't like the world he created it so he asked a 900 year old man named Noah to build a boat to fit all the animals on it. And then it rained for forty days and nights and then the rain evaporated and they lived happily ever after. Not only that, but when the animals started fucking each other, the next generations magically weren't mutated even though they were fucking each others brothers and sisters!"
Kid- "I beg your pardon?"

by S.N.D. September 26, 2007

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