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1!)One who interminably rises to all inevitable occasions(situations, whether unique to similar, deeming or seeming historically reoccurring and prone to this individual) while wholeheartingly disregarding all risks with a headstrong(fuck you) approach to excrement-showerings(when shit hits the fan continuously- and then some) and impossible obstacles. Solely, significantly and solemnly to seek, potentially obtain, Truth: believed to be the only means of survival and source of value.
2)(simpler yet degraded) Never give-up: Never surrender... Never back down-- 'let's do this'-- 'Step up'--'fuck it, I'm down for what eva'' (b) Never looking down even in the darkest of times; with an extreme contrary to the usual responses of difficulties-- as the level of difficulty increases so dose the sense of relaxation, confidence and yet eagerness to pull-threw

Lettering, littering…. It’s got me twisting

Here’s a proposal-- but what’s it to You?
You got the world in Yo Hands, though, please hea’ me through…

• I shot* my mind by aiming at the moon: it gravitated back down within me, pierced the skull to embed my brain… inertly burning beyond curing its’ inadvertent luring: reason
• Once-flooded heart-- now dried to the core-- give me another ‘n’ all do it all the more
• I got back up and shot* again-- this time aiming straight out: at a target about 90 degrees south… it sparked* and no sooner backfired: blinding all; including my third eye
• Wrung this heart for all it’s worth: milked its’ blood, now drunk with pure sorrow... and why?
• Trudged through a body with limits broken: all known by only men… Mud-raker

This Spirit’s all what’s left… deal me in Lord: Let’s ante-up!

*shot: burnt, destroyed/ (double meaning with) attempt
*shot: attempt
*sparked: hope

Believed to have originated in Vietnam; describing the reporters who risked their lives at all coasts just to obtain the truth and bring it back home to America. Keep in mind the key term as Mud-raker was potentially developed based upon the principal that many troops were forced in these circumstances(in no way am I demeaning their struggle or loyalty) though the reporters choose to trudge threw these situations which included marching in knee-to-waist deep mud(with the constant rain) and an some areas: feces—yeah, knee to waist deep excrement. This obviously caused many infections, deaths, diseases and sufferings of all kinds… there were recordings of troops drowning in shit because a motor-rounds landing near by and creating a huge creator which instantly sucked all those who were near by in and too deep in shit to be pulled out.

by S.W.K. aka: wafflez1697 July 31, 2008

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