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how kari tells me she is tired.
or, if you prefer, Double D in Ed, Edd, N Eddy.

"YAWN seepy seepy seepy..."

by S3v3n April 5, 2008

17👍 11👎


Goider is not so much as having many chins, but having one big-assed fuckin bullfrog lump growing around one's neck. Don Vito is a perfect example.

Look at Don's goider jiggle when he shakes his head!

by S3v3n April 5, 2008

13👍 5👎

Backfat Horror

When all of a sudden you turn around and a giant tsunami of rolled squishy flesh is in your face and you try not to vomit and defecate yourself as you run screaming in the other direction

Guy 1- Dude i totally had backfat horror yesterday

Guy 2- I am so so sorry D:

by S3v3n December 30, 2013