Source Code

Attention Whore

See above

Abdullah..the attention seeking asshole who makes fun of people for no reason.

by SAM April 14, 2004

15👍 43👎


A nickename given to Amie by The Triangle of Trust.; Naughty candy

Hey Sinnomint, kissed any good boys lately?

by SAM March 26, 2005


The shortened version of loser, said exactly the same and means the same thing.

Man shes a losa!
Yeah i know!!

by SAM August 8, 2004

51👍 65👎

Pac Sun

store for people who arent quite man enough to walk through those scary hot topic doors, but still want studded belts and shirts that have funny monkeys on them, or something of that gist. apperantly its a "surf and skate" store. 99% of customers dont surf or skate. its true. just another corporation trying to appeal to kids by saying theyre not "corporate"

pac sun blows almost as hard as hot topic.

malls suck! make your own clothes!

by SAM March 10, 2005

24👍 46👎

ralph wiggum

The greatest character in the Simpsons (Except Duffman). He also has the best Phrases.

I bent my Wookie!
My daddy shoots people!
Hi! Super Nintendo Chalmers!
I'm Learnding!

by SAM May 12, 2004

440👍 155👎


Opposite of Hello
You use this term when you see someone who you don't really wanna see.

"O-hell it's you!!!"

by SAM October 30, 2003

7👍 2👎


Shebundo is when your friend is just acting like a right juntler and you wanna let them know they need to pull their head in, so you hit em with a “get shubundoed m8” or if you just want to throw out a preemptive “m5 you’re cruising on a river straight into shebundo town”

I guess shebundo just implies harm in a weird undefinable way, ethereal malice, general Ill will and hostility, but in a super playful ultimately non threatening way.

Oi M9 I think you need to put down the juntle juice and sort yourself out before I serve you a piece of shebundo pie

by SAM April 14, 2021