Saradox (sarūh-döx)
The ironic story of Sarah's life, perception & paradigm shifting. Told in rap.
⢠The only way Sarah could organize her mind and make things alright was to write and it all came out in rhymes.
⢠The paradox of what you would expect based on what you see compared to Sarah's thoughts and reality; SARADOX.
Wow who would of guessed, Saradox is actually great.
⢠Pretending to be oblivious;
Dont play the duck when you're a goose, silly!
(Like when you know that they know that you know they're lying but they duck the truth looking like a silly goose).
⢠It can walk like a duck, it can talk like a duck- but it's still a fucking goose.
(You're not even fooling you, silly goose).
⢠Duck the pigs, you silly goose.
(Got birds in the back, trying not to quack).
Something she would say: "You dont have to play the duck around me, I'm pretty chill".