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jelly bracelets

you people are so stupid!!! Thanks to friggin parents i cant wear them because i might have sex! oh no !!!!!!! If I want to. i will. but i dont want to so what is the big deal. parents need to talk to us if they are so scared kids listen they dont always block you out.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wore them beacause they were cool and i loved to mess around and put them in cute little links that i made up.I figured out how to make a heart!!Yay!!! but any way i will wear them cause they are cute and fun to wear so poo on you people!!

i have no example but if sumone tries to pull of a bracelet i punch them and tell them to give me sum money

by SARAh June 26, 2004

18πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Jelly Bracelets

This is sooo amazingly stupid.I wear them and i had no clue what they ment until last night. I am soo mad. Why are immature junior high kids (sry anyone who is of that age who is not playing this game) trying to make a game of sex?! Snap (thats evadently what the "game" is called) is immature and totally ridiculas. Tell me someone that when little kids of the age of 5 or so wear them they are asking for sex. Now when teens/kids where these colorful fashion statements they will have the mark- Sexpistol all over them. I'm sry i will not stop wearing those colorful bracelets just because some immature kids are being perverted.

I don't know what the colors mean. At my school they are simply a fashion statement. Mostly worn by punks and people with their own style, like me.

by SARAh December 13, 2003

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


your teachers= evil little devils
homework= torture

shoot me now!

by SARAh May 18, 2004

88πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Shoddy/ shod

Rubbish, crap, bad
can also be used as a swear word when abbreviated to "shod"

Thats a bit of a shoddy car
Oh shod!

by SARAh November 26, 2003

4πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


A canadian who was kicked out of the country because she ran around with no make-up. so she is in America poisioning us, damn her. i hate her with the passion of 1,000 burning fires.

to put it simply shes a poser.

by SARAh January 2, 2004

132πŸ‘ 376πŸ‘Ž


Tou is too cool for you....i am the female version of Tou so that makes me almost as cool. Tou rollerblades and thats hot. Me and Tou share the same birthdayy.Andrea is involved in that also. 07/06 crewww for life.Tou is awesome and is from France.

well, hello Tou. You are really cool, lets play tag.

by SARAh December 24, 2004

14πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž

nut buster

somehting extremely funny or rude

"that movie was a nut buster"

by SARAh May 31, 2004

9πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž