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one of teh best bands out there. they originated in florida

other great bands of their genre include:
-Poison The Well
-Alexisonfire(not as much but yeah)

underOATH is teh sh1T!!1!

by SHADE May 10, 2004

480๐Ÿ‘ 218๐Ÿ‘Ž


The country I have lived in all of my life, and it kix ass! and i know the US does too, as doesw the UK and all of Eurpoe, even France, well maybe not France , hey at least the chicks there sunbathe topless. ut here we have free health care, and a very friendly community throughout in general. our counry is great for not having nearly as many gun related deaths as the US (that gives the us a bad image, but it isnt that bad, it isnt too different Canadiens are close to the same as americans, and not all of us hate the US) BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE WAS A GREAT MOVIE!!!!!! ROCKON!!!

and another thing, live here for a year if u are not canadian and i guarantee that u will wanna stay longer, and there are better places to snowboard here too!!!!

Hocky: was invented by BRITISH soldiers stationed in Canada

im a british canadian

for you others talking aboot water(some water now contains estrogen chemicals that reduce male sperm-counts:( )

if you dont live here, you arnt alive

by SHADE January 10, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž


My way to say "What?".

Some person: schleffle ma dorjon fizzle.
Me: Wharsh??

by SHADE September 4, 2004

duece bag

see douche bag

you are a douche bag if u think its called a duece bag.....and you drink the water

by SHADE January 11, 2004

25๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


A group of freinds; gang; who go around with you and beat other people up and hang out

ima hang with my posse and beat on some gnagstas

by SHADE November 4, 2003

45๐Ÿ‘ 64๐Ÿ‘Ž