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Youv'e gotta see Compact Disc.

just look at the link.

by SHIBBY-ONE April 18, 2005

21πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


Unfortunatley, it as more value than our American dollar now.

Within the next thirty years, China will own America... we use China for it's cheapo labor, nearly a third of our national debt is toward China, those stupid debt reduction companies... get thier money from China, only adding more debt toward China, on which tose companies pay interest. Word of the wise: STOP THE SWEATSHOPS IN CHINA, LET PPL IN DEBT DEAL WITH IT THEIR OWN WAY BUT DON"T ENDANGER OUR COUNTRY, STOP BEING GAY AND JUST SPEND LESS THAN WE TAKE IN ON TAXES EACH YEAR AND PAY ALL THAT DAMN $$$ BACK ASS HOLES... I'm a Bush supporter but I don;t care I think all our presidents have been stupid-shit... we need someone in office who WON'T give tax-cuts and other dumb shit that puts us in more debt... c'mon guys! GET SMART! DAMNIT!

by SHIBBY-ONE April 14, 2005

61πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


short for anybody w/ a 1st name starting w/ a "C" and a last name with "caf" or "caph" in it somewhere. It sounds really shibby.
Also see "C"-caff

We call Conor McCaphrey, the coolest pole-vaulting kid in school, "C"-caff for short.

by SHIBBY-ONE April 12, 2005

2πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


1)The act of being so shibby, you no longer need to be recognized for what you say or write. You're just so cool.
2)The act of having no self-esteem OR everybody hates you. So to get ppl to listen to you, you have to make it so that they don't know it's you.

1)My execive Shibbyness is so shibby that I have moved on to the realm of anonymity. SHIBBY!
2) pewrson A: DAMNIT! I used to be really shibby, but now I'm just a douchebag loser... EVERYBODY HATES ME! I guess for anyone to even care about my exsistance, I'll have to succumb to the realm of anonymity... DAMNIT!... THAT DOESN'T WORK!... IF I'M ANONYMOUS, NONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT ME ANYWAY.
person B: Yeah, ur right... u suk at life... just go shoot yourself...
also... I did ur mom but her vag was too saggy.

by SHIBBY-ONE March 30, 2005

7πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


1)A word that URBANDICTIONARY.COM uses as the confirmation button sometimes when you vote thumbs up or down.
2)The way i took up saying "alright", not knowing that it was already being used as a 'hip' or 'kewl' way to say al right... I was just out there half-assin' it... oh well

Lil' bro: C'mon man! Why can't you take me to the skate park?
Me: Shut the SHIBBY up! I told you already. Your stupid skaterass friends think they're all shibby with their damn sellout BAM shirts and shit... and I personally don't want to put you, another customer for that damned skatepark, out there for that damned place to suk up you fuckin money. Besides, I'm tired, bored, lazy and I'm gonna halfass my self thru the day... (here it comes)... ... ... Aight?

by SHIBBY-ONE April 11, 2005

8251πŸ‘ 1621πŸ‘Ž


An abbreviation of "cotton mouth", a term to describe the feeling of thirst you sometimes get in your mouth, no matter how much water you drink to attempt to quench it. It feels lie there is cotton in your mouth absorbing all of the liquid in your mouth and throat.

I went home and drank 3 shot-glasses full of pure lemon juice to try to end the cotton mouth I had.

by SHIBBY-ONE April 17, 2005

21πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


see lame... and... there you go

Clinton isn't even worth a pinch of dog shit... I should blow him apart with my magnum (you've gotta follow that link, I put a really good definition up for magnum)

by SHIBBY-ONE April 17, 2005

154πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž