Source Code


DON'T read Nikki's def of lacrosse... She's ignorant... I dunno how the hell them damn brit girls play it but we HARDCORE EASTCOAST LAX MEN sure as hell know how to play a mighty powerful lacrosse game. LACROSSE IS THE ONLY TRUE SPORT!!!
But anyway... I got a REVO-PRO head on a shibby - looking orange DIAMOND PRO shaft which cost me 185$ and has, in my opinion, the best feel for a featherweight D-stick out there, possibly the best feel 4 short-sticks too. My backup-stick is a classic REVO head on a Warrior Krypto-Pro six-footer. DON't MESS WITH LACROSSE AND DON'T MESS WITH LANGLEY! WE'RE GOIN ALL THE WAY BABY! SHIBBY!

Lacrosse is the ultimate sport of all hardcore body-contact sports. It requires extreme skill and GIANT BALLS to play. LAX is undeniably Shibby!

by SHIBBY-ONE April 12, 2005

39๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


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"BAM!" screams my magnum as it blows some unsuspecting noob Halo 2 player's head right off!

by SHIBBY-ONE April 17, 2005

466๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž