A talented collegiate scholar has decided to partake in the yearly event in South Tampa. Upon drinking all day the individual has become quite belligerent and rowdy...an example of which is when he refers to an african-american police officer through a racial term. After the epic parade, the overweight male decides to go clubbin with his boys.....while at the club he meets a very whorish drunk-as-fuck female. Almost immediately the male (later to be known as poopy fingers) wants to leave the club and get it in.....
The next morning, Poopy Fingers is overly happy upon his accomplishments from the prior night...these accomplishments include: going ass to mouth, anal intercourse and last but not least doing the one-finger reach around which resulted in having poop all over his hand the next morning.
Needlesstosay, this lad has a bright future!
Next Morning:
RAK: So man how was the night
Poopy: Bro it was a blast, I went ass to mouth!
RAK: WTF that's disgusting
Poopy: Whatever bro I loved it.....btw look at my finger, it has poop on it lol
RAK: You have some serious problems man....u are going to be known as SLU Poopy fingers (The Legend)
Poopy: I know bro....u trying to drink later?
An event that occurs bi-monthly by a drunk-as-fuck horny male. The male must have been recently watching porn and/or consuming dozens of 12 oz keystone lights. The male (who also happens to have a feces fetish) cuts a hole into the bottom of a pizza box and places his dick through it. He then walks over to the neighboring dorms and breaks into his friends room and flaps open the pizza box to expose his wang. Most often the friends will laugh and ridicule him...however he is also susceptible to getting a baseball bat pulled on him for obvious reasons. This obese individual will also commonly begin to masturbate while in the middle of his pizza delivery.
Jorge: Damn bro I'm thinking about boozin tonight!
Max: What a surprise!
Jorge: I know bro I have a problem but I'm just feel like completing 3 consecutive power hours.
Max: Rumor has it that you will be completing a pizza delivery (slu style) tonight...is that true?
Jorge: YOU KNOW WHAT! That's a fantastic idea.....im going to lube up beforehand so that when I get to the neighboring dorms I can bust a quick load!
5👍 5👎
When an alcoholic male decides that while he drinks he likes to accomplish other tasks such as watching porn, facebooking females and blasting music. This 230 lb male will set up shop with three computers and two 24-packs of Keystone Light. The first computer is for porn and thus is placed directly in front of the male, the second computer, which is to his right, is for facebook and the third computer, which is to his left, is for music (most likely Lady Gaga mixed in with 3 straight power hours).
Note: this event takes place in the RA's room and once completed a pizza delivery (the act of stciking for dick into a pizza box and opening up the flop once the customer answers the door) occurs at the neighboring dorms.
Hamilton: Yo man what you trying to get into tonight?
Poopy: Fuck bro im trying to drink!
Hamilton: I feel ya but I'm on duty and I got mad homework to do.
Poopy: You mind if I use your room to booze since my tv and computer are already up there....I think I'm going to partake in some SLU Multi-tasking.
Hamilton: O god, just don't blow a load on my desk
3 Hours Later
Hamilton & Frankfurt: Wow dude you look fucked up!
Poopy: I'M HAMMERED! I jacked off twice already and pissed off 10 girls on facebook cause I told 'em I hate school and I play on the Lax team.
Hamilton & Frankfurt: You have some fucking issues man!
Poopy: Yo that's fucked up bro! I can't wait to do the pizza delivery later to Johnny!
Hamilton: Yo man what you trying to get into tonight?
Poopy: Fuck bro im trying to drink!
Hamilton: I feel ya but I'm on duty and I got mad homework to do.
Poopy: You mind if I use your room to booze since my tv and computer are already up there....I think I'm going to partake in some SLU Multi-tasking.
Hamilton: O god, just don't blow a load on my desk
3 Hours Later
Hamilton & Frankfurt: Wow dude you look fucked up!
Poopy: I'M HAMMERED! I jacked off twice already and pissed off 10 girls on facebook cause I told 'em I hate school and I play on the Lax team.
Hamilton & Frankfurt: You have some fucking issues man!
Poopy: Yo that's fucked up bro! I can't wait to do the pizza delivery later to Johnny!
A male that has the world's strongest calves, thus has no need to do calf raises when he goes to the gym. This man is also known to be an incredible liar and has a real affection for his RA.
Calves: Hey man what does this machine do?
Dis and Uts: That works your calves
Calves: Well im not doing that, my calves are already really strong, did you know they call me SLU Calves?
Dis Uts: O really? Wow dude have a good workout!
A talented collegiate scholar has decided to partake in the yearly event known as The Gasparilla Parade. Upon drinking all day the individual has become quite belligerent and rowdy...an example of which is when he refers to an african-american police officer through a racial term. After the epic parade, the overweight male decides to go clubbin with his boys.....while at the club he meets a very whorish drunk-as-fuck female. Almost immediately the male (later to be known as poopy fingers) wants to leave the club and get it in.....
The next morning, Poopy Fingers is overly happy upon his accomplishments from the prior night...these accomplishments include: going ass to mouth, anal intercourse and last but not least doing the one-finger reach around which resulted in having poop all over his hand the next morning.
Needlesstosay, this lad has a bright future!
Next Morning:
Kev: So man how was the night
Poopy: Bro it was a blast, I went ass to mouth!
Kev: WTF that's disgusting
Poopy: Whatever bro I loved it.....btw look at my finger, it has poop on it lol
Kev: You have some serious problems man....u are going to be known as Poopy fingers (The Legend)
Poopy: I know bro....u trying to drink later?
Next Morning:
RAK: So man how was the night
Poopy: Bro it was a blast, I went ass to mouth!
RAK: WTF that's disgusting
Poopy: Whatever bro I loved it.....btw look at my finger, it has poop on it lol
RAK: You have some serious problems man....u are going to be known as Poopy fingers (The Legend)
Poopy: I know bro....u trying to drink later?