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malarites are humans who combine the nastiest elements af shamans and warriors. they prefer to use creatures to fight for them.

they are like shaman barbarians

by SMURF August 18, 2004

Deep Gnome

Deep Gnomes, are also known as svirfneblin, are legendary because they are so rarely seen. They live deep under the earth, where they create beautiful artifacts made of precious metals and gems, as well as fantastic creations of stonework. They live under constant threat of attack from other races. This has made the svirfneblin wise and agile, if somewhat timid and retiring.

Not your average lawn gnome

by SMURF August 24, 2004

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

fire elemental

fire elementals appear as vague humanoid shapes encased in a blazing flame.

fire elementals are very dangerous

by SMURF August 18, 2004

11πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Bugbears are the largest of the goblinoids. these huge creatures tower over the battlefield, srtiking terror into all who see them. like many large creatures bugbears are both helped and hindered by their great size. their tremendous strength makes them wrecking machines in combat, but drops their armor class making them more vulnerable.

A bugbear is like an enlarged goblin.

by SMURF August 18, 2004

31πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Gelugons are nastier, larger, and deadlier versions of cornugons.

fierce and ugly beasts of war

by SMURF August 18, 2004

hook horror

Hook horrors are cave-dwelling creatures that love to surprise intruders by attacking from two directions. they possess a rock-hard exterior, which makes them hard to hit.

they are truely malicious things

by SMURF August 18, 2004

6πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Totemic Druid

This druid identifies with a particular animal, an animal that he feels represents his spirit. This grants him a special connection to the animal kingdom, and he is able to call upon their spirits to aid him.

Cannot shapeshift at all

by SMURF August 24, 2004

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž