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more gothic than thou

A sarcastic phrase used to designate a snobbish attitude, or describe people who take themselves too seriously. A play on "'holier than thou." Someone with a "more gothic than thou" attitude will likely tell you about the gothic bands they are into by saying, "You probably haven't heard of them."

Because her whole house was painted black, it gave her a "more gothic than thou" attitude.

by SPectrumTopHat June 21, 2010

7👍 2👎

Baby bat

A derogatory term for those wannabe Gothics who are only familiar with the superficial aspects of the culture. They may do their makeup horribly and only listen to the most popular of the goth bands. They are mostly the younger kids going through a phase and trying to look cool. However people tend to fling this label at anyone they don't like. A lot of people prefer not to use the label because it implies a "more gothic than thou" attitude.

He says he's goth, but we all know he's just another baby bat.

by SPectrumTopHat June 21, 2010

20👍 21👎