Source Code


to drive, to smash

smebbin', driving, going somewhere

by SaRah February 8, 2005

1πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


a mix of kissing and snuggling at the same time

While lying next to each other, my boyfriend and I like to kissle.

by SaRah May 24, 2003

52πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Culture devoloped from punk in 1979. Sterotype wears black clothes, nail polish, eyeliner and has black hair and listens to the very un-goth Marilyn Manson.
Many types of goth. Examples:

Loves plastic, nightclubs and the future. Loves (gasp!) bright colors and usually has plastic hair.

Often Satanic. Sucks blood from partner and has sex in coffins.

Very elegant. Wears lots of velvet and lace. Aims for Medieval/Victorian look. Loves vampires and poetry.

Listens to Marilyn Manson. Wears only black. Is a right saddo.

Goth music: Bauhaus, The Cure, Switchblade Synphony, etc. MARILYN MANSON AND LINKIN PARK ARE NOT GOTH MUSIC.

Remember, GOTH is just a label made up by a bunch of losers to call the darker ones.. Real 'goths' do not label themselves. A self-proclaimed goth = big poser. Gothic stereotype = morbid, suicidal and black-clad. Not always true. You could dress like PARIS HILTON and still be part of the 'goth' scene.

'That dress is so 'gothic!' (Phrase often used by preps when entering poser clothing store Hot Topic.

'I'm not a goth.' said Lulu.

by SaRah February 21, 2005

633πŸ‘ 308πŸ‘Ž


1. Boyfriend
2. Matthew Lee Brubaker

Matthew Lee Brubaker is the best man in the world. He is very intelligent and I am proud to say that he is MY boyfriend.

by SaRah February 6, 2004

4πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


noun: someone who gets on your nerves

What are you a fucking cultisac?

by SaRah September 1, 2004

Special Agent Fox Mulder

A character from The X-Files(1993-2002).
A paraniod F.B.I. agent who solves crimes dealing with the paranormal or the unexplained with an attractive partner Agent Dana Scully. He has no life and likes to stick pencils to the ceiling.

1) Agent Fox Mulder is one of the most unique characters ever made.
2) Wow, you did a Mulder. ( Meaning you stuck pencils to the ceiling).

by SaRah May 22, 2004

56πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


To be sexy and silky instantaniously. Most often used to describe a girl. The word originated one day after gym, when a girl flibbed and tried to say to words at once, and thus was selxy born.

"Woah, check out that selxy girl!"

Girl 1: "Don't my legs look selxy?"
Girl 2: "Yeah, how'd you get them so selxy?"

by SaRah February 26, 2005

16πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž