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When you want to say Iraqis but you want to sound more like a dipshit.

Did you do the study on those Iraqians yet?

No, also its spelled Iraqis dipshit...
I never knew it was spelled Iraqis!!

by Saint Nick the 4th November 15, 2021

Clusterfuck of Bullshit

Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit

Michael: Dude, I just keep getting rejected left and right, this is a Clusterfuck of Bullshit!!

Chad: Damn man..

by Saint Nick the 4th December 20, 2021

Taliban C&B torture.

Tali C&B torture also commonly referred to as Taliban C&B torture, is one of many C&B torture methods. This one, in particular, focuses more on the scrotum or the ball sack, this usually ends up with the victim getting their sack nailed onto the wall.

Dude, I just saw the most disturbing video of C&B torture to date.

What the hell was it like..?

Jesus man, he nailed the dude's sack on that wall.

Ohhh, you're referring to Taliban C&B torture.

Well, either way, it's still brutal.

by Saint Nick the 4th November 22, 2021


Sir.Chucklenuts is a fan-favorite among TF2 fans as he creates cancer everywhere he goes.

Awe shoot, I got my squad ass-wiped by Sir.Chucklenuts

by Saint Nick the 4th November 4, 2021

Cum Pillow

When you've wasted all of your cumsocks, resorting to pillows to lust away your pleasurable ejaculations.

Dude, I ran out of cumsocks, this is literal buckshit!!

Have you tried using a cum pillow?

Oh yeah, you're a genius man!! I owe you one for sure.

by Saint Nick the 4th November 15, 2021