Kristen is the #194 most common female name.
0.111% of females in the US are named Kristen.
Around 141525 US females are named Kristen!
Kristen is the #56162 most common last name.
0.0005% of last names in the US are Kristen.
Around 1250 US last names are Kristen!
1537π 932π
1) To get in front of someone in line without there consent
2) To tear paper into pieces
Six boys cut me in line yesterday.
I cut a heart out of this blue construction paper.
5π 12π
A shithole
A hellhole
A place you dislike
A place you don't want to be
Sometimes school is so bad, I call it a heckhole.
7π 5π
MARY is the #699 most common male name.
0.009% of men in the US are named MARY.
Around 11025 US men are named MARY!
MARY is the #1 most common female name.
2.629% of females in the US are named MARY.
Around 3351975 US females are named MARY!
MARY is the #12571 most common last name.
0.001% of last names in the US are MARY.
Around 2500 US last names are MARY!
Kristen: Mary is my best friend!
Britney: You wish!
Kristen: Ya I know! Just kidding!
136π 184π
An age in a person's life when they aren't a kid, an adult or even a preteen but a teenager.
I'm only a teenager and I'm only 15!
345π 140π
1. A girl
2. Not of the male gender
Dude#1: Hey, look, there's that girl Maria!
Dude#2: That's a female?!?
2338π 533π