Source Code

pandemic rules

Pandemic Rules are like Airport Rules, except everywhere is assumed to be an Airport.
Airport Rules state the any time is a good time to do anything and normal conventions are put aside.
i.e. Beer at 7am. Shots at 10am. Breakfast at midnight. Sleeping during the day. etc.
Airport Rules extend to when one is in Transit. Therefore we could consider Pandemic Rules to be Airport Rules where we are in an on going state of Transit.

During a Pandemic...
A: When is cocktail hour?
B: Pandemic Rules!
A: Then it is cocktail hour!
B: It's always cocktail hour during the pandemic.

by Salty Albatross April 12, 2020

airport rules

When travelling the normal rules and conventions around appropriate times to do things are relaxed.

They are relaxed such that no one should be judged for drinking, sleeping, eating etc. at what would be normally strange or judged.

Pint of beer at 7am? No problems.
Breakfast at midnight? You got it.
Shots at brunch? Why not two!?
These are know as Airport Rules.

8am in the airport.
A "Would it be wrong to have a scotch and Coke with my eggs?"
B "Airport rules my friend"
A "Scotch and Coke it is!"

by Salty Albatross April 12, 2020