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Blue Herring

A Democrat led attempt to shame or bully conservatives.

So lame that the title of Red Herring is to kind.

It seems... They have no success with anything in their platform. But they still have their Hate Trump and by extension the Hate of all voters who would support him.

The J6 show is a Blue Herring to squelch the conservatives from showing public support of Trump in the future. Embarrassing conservative peeps with shaming them is lame.

by SaltyFishyFun June 10, 2022

1👍 2👎


"Misinformation" (2022's new Orwellian Doublespeak)
- Information which is banned from publication because it makes people question the official narrative.
- Information that questions the validity of the official propaganda of the day from centralized government, like the CDC.
- Information that makes the opposing party look good.

Lucky for them, the book "1984" is banned from schools for years under Obamas Common Core changes and the kids do not know that they are being played by the Big Brother of centralized and overly powerful government. DHS is now Big Brother for real thanks to Biden and his MisInformation Board.

by SaltyFishyFun May 2, 2022


1) The loss of ability to do Cognitive Thinking. Likely the product of common core or other dumbed down educational scholastic education. More inclined to believe a Dogma than to allow that dogma to be tested by reason.

2) Refusing to entertain the discussion of opposing views. Refusing to look at the facts of the real results of an action/reaction in favor of an emotional position.

Unlike the Age of Enlightenment or Age of Reason where in 1715 - the Age of Enlightenment gave us... "... a range of ideas centered on reason as the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and came to advance ideals such as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state." ( lifted from Wikipedia ) Now we have an "Age of Dis-Enlightenment" where the dogma of the (insert ideologue here) is more important than facts or actual scientific evidence of the effects from some idea/program/political party position.

Colin Kapernick's actions, that have caused viewership of the NFL, to take a dramatic hit via his political "protest" by taking a knee, have gone on to a new level of disenlightenment by now praising the late Fidel Castro as a good leader.

by SaltyFishyFun November 28, 2016

141👍 1👎