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THE ONE AND ONLY FAITH THAT IS NOT FALSE AND WILL ACTUALLY GET YOU INTO HEAVEN FOR ALL OF ETERNITY!!! (And it's really, really, really easy to do...) All you have to do is

1.) Ask Jesus to come into your life,
2.) Just sincerely ask Jesus' forgiveness for your sins. (All people are sinners, and nobody is better than anyone else. All people are equal. However, Christians have been wiped clean by the HOLY blood of Christ and are therefore sinless and blameless in the eyes of God.)
3.)Admit that you believe Jesus is the Son of God and that He came to earth and died for your sins of His own free will. (IE: He didn't have to die for you, but he CHOSE to because His love for you lasts FOREVER!!!!)
4.) Do your best to live a life according to the Bible. This doesn't mean that if you accidentally stumble every now and then that you are doomed to an eternity in hell; instead, it means that God will forgive ANYTHING that you have done in the past, present or future!! It doesn't matter if you've raped a girl, killed an senior citizen, etc... GOD WILL FORGIVE YOU!! I GUARANTEE IT!!!! If you dont believe me, try the steps above, and see if you dont immediately feel the peace and love of God descending upon you and covering your entire body!!! TEST ME!! (You have to be sincere when you ask His forgiveness though, or nothing will happen. God is not one to be mocked.)

REPORTER: So, God... Which religion is the only way out of an eternity in the lake of fire?
GOD: That's easy. Christianity of course!

by Salvation for ALL PEOPLE. August 26, 2006

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