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Cerys is usually very beautiful and is often used as a girls name. It is very common Cerys is asked out. She usually has brown hair and blue eyes. Her body is delicate. Cerys is usually a badass savage and often a bitch yet very popular. No shit should be talked about her or she’ll set her boyfriend on you!

Cerys is a badass bitch.

by Sam Croft November 9, 2018

42👍 12👎


Sam is usually really mean and sly. But jokes aside he/ she can be really odd and have a unique personality. Thats not a compliment by the way. Sam is a uni-sex name, meaning any gender can have the name.

Omg you know Sam? He's extremely ugly jk i'm sorry if you see this and get offended.

by Sam Croft November 3, 2019