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to be called zakish is to be considered a huge fag. Some zakish people are quite strong and wear tight pink t-shirts.

Hey! That kid over there in the pink Ramones t-shirt is zakish!

by Sam K. March 15, 2005

3👍 13👎


A complementary girlfriend "on the side", or "bootycall" which delivers sexual gratification at times when the main relationship seems lacking.

My girl won't put out these days. Good thing I have a sideride!

by Sam K. June 2, 2004

11👍 3👎

pirate eye

cumming into a girls eye then kicking her shin. Therefore she will be hoping around on one leg and one eye closed screaming argh!

I gave Jessica a pirate eye last night!

by Sam K. March 15, 2005

671👍 152👎

ginny whop ginzo

Somebody who does something shady, jerk-offish, or embarassing.

"Dude, put your pants back on you ginny whop ginzo".

"That ginny whop ginzo was hitting on your girlfriend".

by Sam K. June 4, 2004

6👍 43👎


A girl who is physically attractive, yet is lacking in peronality. Attemping to hold a conversation with a tree stump would be equally interesting.

That chick is fine, but hot damn.. what a stump!

by Sam K. June 2, 2004

144👍 64👎


A term used to describe an attractive woman. Can also be used as a catcall when a woman one deems to be attractive walks by a group of males, strictly for the purpose of gauging agreement within the group.

That neighbor of yours is definitely a whatnot.


by Sam K. May 28, 2004

7👍 68👎

take a dirtnap

What you tell someone you are pissed off at right before you throw a baseball at their head.

"Thats it! Take a dirtnap."

by Sam K. July 14, 2004

9👍 16👎