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When you can't actually argue with someone based on facts so you just make fun of them instead.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone are too stupid to actually argue global warming based on science, so they decided to manbearpig Al Gore.

by Sam is a Dick March 3, 2007

4710πŸ‘ 1042πŸ‘Ž


A perjorative towards Republicans in the wake of the Mark Foley scandal.

ReNAMBLAcans is one of the ways the Democrats plan to take the House in 2006.

by Sam is a Dick October 25, 2006

8πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž

frat boy

The final stage of gay denial. These guys shower together, they slap each other on the ass, they fall asleep next to each other after all night drinking and talking about how much they love each other. But if you happen to be wearing a tie they call you a fag.

Frat boy 1: "Hey let's go play some touch football then shower together and slap each other on the ass."

Frat boy 2: "I'm there dude. Everyone who isn't in a frat is gay."

Frat boy 1: "Shut up and keep sucking."

by Sam is a Dick February 28, 2007

176πŸ‘ 250πŸ‘Ž


A person with PDD, named after the movie Rain Man.

The reason I rock back and forth is because I'm a rainperson.

by Sam is a Dick October 24, 2006

4πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Bass player

Typically the one in the band with the biggest penis.

I went home with the lead singer last night and was totally unsatisfied. Tonight I'm fucking the bass player.

by Sam is a Dick March 27, 2007

384πŸ‘ 587πŸ‘Ž

country club conservative

The same thing as a limousine or latte liberal but on the other end of the spectrum. They talk about people working their way up, but they themselves grew up wealthy and never had a job that daddy's friends didn't set them up with, and wouldn't have kept those jobs on their own. They want the government out of everybody's lives until it's time to parcel out the subsidies.

The only major difference between them and limousine liberals is that they play more golf.

Limo Lib: "Every time I drive my Lexus to Starbucks I feel so sad for all those poor people I see. The government should give them all of someone else's money, as long as it's not mine"

Country Club Conservative: "Oh big deal. They're just too lazy to hire a lobbyist to get money for them."

by Sam is a Dick March 26, 2007

54πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž


A Scotsman, so named due to the rural nature of the traditional Scottish economy and the predominance of sheep herding.

That William Wallace was a sheepshagger if ever I saw one.

Why do Scotsmen wear kilts? Sheep can hear zippers.

by Sam is a Dick October 24, 2006

25πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž