"Liveing" is a term that refers to the act of pretending to be live or actively engaged in a livestream or online activity, especially on social media platforms, even though the individual is not actually broadcasting anything or doing anything noteworthy. It's often used to mock or make fun of people who try to appear interesting or entertaining online by pretending to be livestreaming their daily activities or experiences when they're not. Essentially, it's about someone acting as if they're constantly in the spotlight or trying to draw attention to themselves, even when they're not doing anything particularly interesting.
Despite nobody watching, Alex continued 'liveing' his mundane activities, much to the confusion of his friends.
Sarah's constant 'liveing' on social media made her seem desperate for attention rather than genuinely interesting.
Jake's attempt at 'liveing' during the concert fell flat when his phone battery died within minutes.
Emily's habit of 'liveing' while cooking dinner for herself often resulted in awkward and silent broadcasts.
The group of teenagers giggled as they watched their friend, Greg, 'liveing' while trying to impress his crush at the skate park.