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1.A person who changes their answer to suit the masses 2.A french word that means april but can be used to describe a hypocrite as well. 3.A person who lies to win people's friendship or approval.

as an adjective; That person is an avril. When used as a noun; i hate avrils.

by Samey August 10, 2005

35👍 316👎


When you are in a bit of a fuffle but also a cunt - Cuntfuffle

Example “Sarah is a stoned cunt and Amy is high on morphine cunt together their conversations were Cuntfuffled”

We are right cuntfuffled!!!!

by Samey November 26, 2022


When you are in a bit of a fuffle but also a cunt - Cuntfuffle

Example “Sarah is a stoned cunt and Amy is high on morphine cunt together their conversations were Cuntfuffled”

We are right cuntfuffled!!!!

by Samey November 26, 2022