noun: someone who believes the following: 1) evil should be prevented when possible, or if not, punished (hence captital punishment, war on terror, etc.)- 2) innocence should be protected (hence "pro-life,") - 3)people should earn their living, not be stuck in an entitlement mindset as a result of a welfare state - 4) the U.S Constitution does not guarantee unlimited personal freedom, but freedom with responsibility - 5) non-Americans have the privilege to enter the country legally and make a positive contribution to American society, and those who enter illegaly are criminals - 6) a government that can give its citizens everything they need can also take it away; wealth should be achieved through the personal investment of time and effort - 7) merit is based on achievement and character, not on skin color or ethnicity - 8) a free market encourages competition and market self-stabalization, while socialism and communism breed corruption, inefficiency, and oppression.
adj: describes a system or belief that is in accordance with the above principles
"The Little Red Hen" is a children's story that exemplifies the Republican mentality that those who do not contribute their time and effort toward something do not deserve to enjoy its benefits.
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