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Boston Terrier

An adorable type of canine.

Look it's a Boston Terrier!!!!!!

by Sandy Jane February 19, 2008

183👍 41👎


The mother of a pearl. They are found in salt-water bodies.

I found a precious pearl in an oyster.

by Sandy Jane February 19, 2008

139👍 87👎

engagement ring

The ring given from man to woman when the woman accepts the man's proposal... traditionally the ring should contain one diamond at the least .

I said yes to Frank and he gave me a huge engagement ring!

by Sandy Jane February 19, 2008

75👍 57👎


A card sent to a loved one to express one's love on February 14th.

I have to go buy a valentine for my girlfriend or else she'll kill me.

by Sandy Jane February 19, 2008

208👍 122👎