The name given to the Human race by Taurens in Warcraft III. It is easy to distinguish Orcs and Humans by the color of their skin. This is because most Orcs in the Warcraft universe have green skin, and most Humans in the Warcraft universe could be described as Caucasian. In real life, saying "white skin" would be more customary, but is usually not accurate. Most Caucasians would actually be better described as "peach skins." However, peaches may not exist in the Warcraft universe, or may not be popular, therefore the color peach could not be easily described. Most Caucasians do not consider their skin to be "pink," but an explanation for this is that fair skinned Humans are easily sunburned. The shores of Kalimdor very hot and sunny compared to the more temperate regions of the Eastern Kingdoms.
Depending on the situation, you may want to start calling white people, "pink skins."
Those metal-clad pink skins look like trouble.
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