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A sometimes shy, quiet individual who is often prone to failures. He is a disappointment to many and is a blind follower. If you told him to jump off a bridge because others would, he probably would. He has a big heart and is easily obsessed with girls who wear beanies. He has a very feminine side. If you ever meet a Rowan, be prepared for disappointment.

Sara: "Hey, I heard Rowan was doing crack cocaine last night because his friends were."
Veronika: "I'm so not surprised."

Friend: "Rowan, want to do a random drug?"
Rowan: "Sure."

by SaraCatsky May 4, 2013

22👍 73👎

Crack Cocaine

A dangerous drug that's a freebase form of cocaine that can be smoked. Nicknames include rock, work, hard, iron, cavvy, base, or just crack. It's said to be the most addictive form of cocaine there is. It offers a short (but intense high).

Sara: "Did you hear that Rowan tried crack cocaine because his friends were doing it?"
Veronika: "Yeah man, wasn't surprised."

by SaraCatsky May 4, 2013

91👍 36👎