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1) Name meaning glass
2) associated with "pretty bitches" aka Dynasty
3) known Krystles include Krystle Carrington of Dynasty, Kansas City songwriter singer Krystle Warren, Krystle Jones, Krystle perfume, conservative political figure Krystle Russin

"Krystle totally hates her character"

by Sarah Springfield July 4, 2006

134👍 101👎

george ryan

1) corrupt Illinois governor
2) indicted in 2006 for multiple reasons
3) served from 1998-2002
4) slick politician
5) caused demise of Republican Party
6) George, Jim and Jack Ryan are unrelated but share unpopularity in Illinois politics
7)broke promises to party followers
8) treasurer Judy Barr Topinka and other Republicans were attached at the hip but nowadays pretend they weren't friends

"So sleazy. Do not pull a George Ryan on us!"

by Sarah Springfield July 4, 2006

136👍 17👎


A state with Chicago and a couple major downstate cities. I-80 is the cutoff for what you call the beginning of downstate Illinois. Most of the state is farmland. People grow corn mostly. Cook County has some corn mixed in with the city. The Chicago counties are called collar counties. R Kelly and Barack Obama and Oprah are some of the famous Illinoisans. The capital is Springfield.

"That state is like Illinois, one city and rest of it farmland!"

by Sarah Springfield July 5, 2006

123👍 67👎

bill leubscher

1) descendant of US Senator Daniel Webster
2) conservative Illinois political figure that thinks he's bad ass
3) ran for library trustee, won but lost due to technicality (Dem payback well overdue from Gore days)
4) on Illinois Center Right Coalition board
5) creates problems, sticks to gut feelings over helping his own party
6) nolahood.com creator
7) photoairbrushing.com co founder with Krystle Russin
8) campaign manager for Ray Wardingley aka Spanky the Clown

"He thinks he is a total Bill Leubscher getting all involved like that."

by Sarah Springfield July 4, 2006