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When you race someone and win by so much you Gap them hence GAPPLEBEES

My truck will take you're little toy to gapplebees any day of the week

by SauciiTrash September 16, 2020

152👍 5👎

Spinny Boi

Another word for tubo due to them spooling up/spinning up when reaching high rpm's

We're gonna put some spinny Bois in the 350z

by SauciiTrash September 16, 2020


A slang/informal word for super charger/turbo

You gunna put a blower on that stang?

by SauciiTrash September 16, 2020

Wooshy Boi

A slang/informal way of calling/describing a turbo due to the distinct sound they make

We got twin wooshy Bois in the Z

by SauciiTrash September 16, 2020

Wooshy Boi

A slang/informal way of calling/describing a turbo due to the distinct sound they make

We got twin wooshy Bois in the Z

by SauciiTrash September 16, 2020