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1. A system of government characterized by extreme nationalism, violence, and the control of ideas:. America
2. The right-wing movement in Europe between the World Wars.
3. Not a leftest movement. Do a little research on the times you fiends. The Popular Front was a leftest movement to counter the rise of fascism.

The corporate state in America can be compared to fascism. The corporations own the government that spews its nationalist, militarist propaganda with overtones of a "think like us or get the hell out" mentality while they themselves own and control all means of production and wealth.

by Sausage Mahoney December 21, 2003

73👍 113👎


1. A family with greater ties to Osama Bin Laden than Saddam.
2. Some of the worst people, not to mention presidents, in history.
3. A falmily with a history of business deals with the Nazis(that's right the fucking Nazis)
4. Evil.

The Bush family is scum.

by Sausage Mahoney December 21, 2003

1320👍 846👎