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T Time

T-shirt Time
noun: a time where you ditch your shirt before the shirt to put on your shirt.

To put on your sexiest shirt for the night to go out.

Jake: Yo dude that GTL was sick today man, you ready to go out?
Alex: yeah, man its T Time
(Jake and Alex proceed to put on their respective shirts)
Jake: lets hit the floor broski

by Sbixen1 February 14, 2011

10👍 8👎


The dance floor or club floor or a bar floor
The place where the party is at

To hit the floor-to go out to wherever the party would be at that night, whether its a house party to a club or a bar

Jake: Yo dude that GTL was sick today man, you ready to go out?
Alex: yeah, man its T Time
(Jake and Alex proceed to put on their respective shirts)
Jake: lets hit the floor broski

by Sbixen1 February 14, 2011

19👍 10👎