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The most pointless and stupidly annoying beings on the planet. Tend to walk around in groups of 50 or so and hang around on street corners (like hookers), town centres or outside late shops.
They wear the most ridiculous clothing, usually consisting of: Rockports or expensive Nike trainers, white socks, black or white tracksuit bottoms tucked into the socks, a really really stupid looking striped jumper or hoody, and a cap placed at an angle that looks like its ready to launch some form of missile into space. The hood of the hoody is usually pulled up just behind the ears, so the bastards can hear, and over the back of the cap. They always (and i mean ALWAYS) walk around with the most dumbass look on their face which just shouts out "I'm a gormless cunt please beat the fucking shit out of me".

These scum (there is no nicer way of describing them) are cocky as fuck and like to try and start fights with moshers, old people, very small newborn babies and anything else they have no chance against. They also cannot stick up for themselves and that is the reason they hang around in large groups.

After many years of studying (and beating up) scallys i have come to realise that they have no intelegence at all, are as weak as a dead rat and are all so insecure about their penis size that they make up for it by buying lots of 'gold' jewelery.

If you come into contact with any less than 10 scallys, do not be afraid, all they will do is call you names. But if there is between 20 and 30 they might (if your extremely unlucky) threaten you with violence. They are much more likely to run away screaming like little girls and get their brother or dad on you. Who will also run away screaming like a little girl. The only ones who do not run away are the girls (ironically) and the ones who haven't yet developed the brain capacity to run. If there is an incredibly large amount of scallys (e.g. between 50 and 100) they will use violence. If encountered by use one of these 2 methods to get rid of them: 1; Laugh and do not retaliate; or 2; fight back with a tremendous amount of energy like neo on the matrix.

The Summary:

Scallys are human(ish) scum which should be eradicated from this earth. Do anything possible to help me in my efforts to rid the world of this growing plague and help make earth a better and safer place for us all to live in.

I HATE SCALLYS!!! (This sentence can be heard wherever you go)

by Scally hater 666 March 4, 2005

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