To merge, as in during data processing.
I shall now munge these data. - Deana K.
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A slang proclamation of agreement or confirmation. It is normally verbalized as a stand-alone word when a slang is called for, similar to the use of "yup". A speaker will prefer "affirmatory" to "yup" when he or she does not want to pronounce the "p", which is more disruptive to breathing.
"Affirmatory" - Jason S.
Unintended use: "I say, with regard to your inquiry, affirmatory"
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Canadian slang for home renovation, or home improvement. Those silly Canadians.
After moving into our house, we've been doing non stop renos.
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Another word for email inbox. It likely would have been the official word, rather than inbox, had the internet boom been dominated by Canadians.
Hey, don't clog my inbin with spam, eh!
The name for Danish pastries, adopted by bakers in Iran in late February 2006, as a protest against the propogation of Danish cartoons representing images of the Prophet Mohammed.
We will have roses of the prophet mohammed with tea for breakfast, inshala.
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