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Aqua driver

The aqua driver is when you fuck a woman usually from behind with her head in the toilet.

It’s a tricky one to pull off but so satisfying once achieved.

Flush optional

There is nothing more sexy than giving the wife an aqua driver for her birthday

by Scottsibe July 8, 2021


In the okanogan British Columbia when the wild fires are out of control and the sky turns to grey and becomes super Smokey.

Headed to the smokanogan this weekend for a holiday.

by Scottsibe July 29, 2021

Cemetery white

This is the color of someone’s hair or skin tone that looks like they are dying. Remember doc from the movie back to the future. He has cemetery white hair and he looks like he could die at any minute cause he’s so old.

But also. Think of a goth male or female.

They too have “cemetery white” skin tone. They too look like dying.

Use the words to your liking.

Jesus Christ is that Betty white?? Fuck her hair cemetery white….

Taylor swift is so hot. Too bad her skin is cemetery white tho. I still would.

by Scottsibe October 21, 2021