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1. vb. To expeditiously discard a usually useless item

2. n. An exclamation to be used while throwing an object
3. n. An exclamation of general excitement or happiness

Chagrined at his unexpected defeat, Jimothy ungracefully yeeted his laptop across the room.
"Yeet!" Regulus exclaimed whilst throwing his empty soda can into the waste bin.
When Skita informed her that the sleepover was on Saturday, she shouted "Yeet!" in excitement.

by ScrambledArmenianPedestrians October 29, 2020


The past tense of "seem"

Even through the howling wind and crashing waves, it all sempt too quiet.

by ScrambledArmenianPedestrians November 5, 2020


1. n. A country in the Caucasus
2. n. The source of the most delicious pedestrians

3. adj. enlightened

The county of Armenia borders Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, and Iran.
"Hey, you gonna eat those Armenians?"
The Armenian people have a well-informed outlook.

by ScrambledArmenianPedestrians October 29, 2020

4👍 10👎



You may consume three beans, but only three. They will know if you consume more

by ScrambledArmenianPedestrians October 29, 2020