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Manspreading...the disparate consumption of public space employed under the guise of male biological necessity. Some profess that "Men are naturally designed to sit this way."...and that this "fact" should excuse them from exercising common courtesy to those around them. Of course, very few things in our lives adhere to the natural order.... women, for example, are not afforded one week out of every four to curl up in a ball and nurse their cramping abdomens, back pain & headaches as designed, but by all means gentlemen...spread those knees a little father apart. The rest of us can always sit on each other's laps to ensure that your enormous genitals have the elbow room they demand.

He has slept in an upright, seated position since puberty becasue manspreading doesn't work when he's sleeping on his side and he believes that if his knees get within 24" of each other his testicles will explode in dramatic fashion and he will bleed out and die alone as his calls for help go unheard. Lol

by Scrapples January 18, 2016

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