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Asian parents

Asian parents.... they seem like any other type of parents... don't they? Well, I guess you're wrong. These are the people that start getting a whole load of us Asian kids upset. Here are some things that happened to me:

1. Not letting their kids play real sport, like rugby union, claming that it will affect their studies and it's too dangerous. Eventually, they'll let you play... but you gotta wait forever.

2. If you don't get good grades, you're screwed. They'll hit you and kill you until you promise to study harder for the next exam.

3. They don't care about your physical health and social life, they just care about your studies.

4. They want you to be a doctor/dentist. No way...

5. They want the best school for you... no matter if it's 2 hours away.

6. You got all A's and just one F in your report card. They'll kill you and belt you for that F.

7. Your parents see a girl hug you at the age of 16. They belt you because the girl hugged you.

8. You play games for over one hour. Asian parents will kill you for it.

9. Got into a sporting gala day? Asian parents wont let you go because they're worried about you missing out on a day of school. Gosh damn, it's only ONE DAY!

10. Every evening it's rice, rice, rice and more rice.

11. "Don't watch MTV, study! You're wasting your time on watching uselsss music videos!" says Asian parents.

These are just 11 of thousands of wrong things that Asian parents do to you. From this, it is sensible to infer that a majority of Asian parents are just dickwads.

I got 97% in my test, my Asian parents are going to kill me. - Typical Asian kid

I got a Satisfactory in my report... I'm dead. - Typical Asian kid dictated by Asian parents

Fuck! I'm into summer school, when did I even register? - Asian kid

by Screw Asian Parents June 19, 2008

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