Source Code


Term to describe an ugly lady. From Westside Connection's "Gangsta Nation"

Bitch, you kinda STRANGE.

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

16πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

loser chooser

In multiplayer video games, such as Mario Kart 64, the system by which the person who comes in last place on a given race gets to choose the next venue for competition. Originated in Buyers Hall at Princeton University.

"Who gets to pick the next level?" "It's loser chooser"

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

18πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


Ron Jeremy's schlong. Also a character in one of his movies: Dr. Frankenpenis.

Ron J. and his Frankenpenis.

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

15πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Thompson's Water Sealer

Sealing every orifice on your sexual partner's body with your various extremities.

I gave her the Thompson's Water Sealer.

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

23πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Sound the Bell

What you do in WWF Warzone (N64) in a weapons match when you have a bell and your opponent is stunned. Originated in Buyers Hall at Princeton University.

"Schools in, Sound the Bell, Motherf***er!"

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The man who shows up at the door in pornos. This situation is generally the pretense for some real xxx.

"Plumber? I didn't call for a Plumber!"

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

293πŸ‘ 138πŸ‘Ž

infamous countdown

In Ron Jeremy films, the female counts down from 20, and on 0 Ron comes right in her mouth.

Female: It's time for the infamous countdown... I'll countdown from 20 and on 0, you cum right in my mouth.
Ron: On 0, right in the mouth.

by Scripple021 May 6, 2004

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž