An insult developed from the special education department B.O.C.E.S. , it is a word that people use to insult people who are mentally challenged, or people who just act stupid. Its creation was based on the idea that people who attended BOCES were the "boces" either unaware or not-caring of the fact the the "S" on the end of "BOCES" is actually a part of the acronym, not the kind of "s" on the end of a word that makes it plural. The insult isn't always used to put down "slow" people, however. Sometimes it's just used as a general insult. If someone being annoying they may sometimes be called boces. It is also sometimes mistakenly pronounced "boass"(bəʊs), not pronouncing the "e" on account of the fact that most words spelt like "boce" don't pronounce the "e" such as "dose", "close", "hose" and "rose". They are pronounced as if the "e" isn't even there.
Stop being such a boce, John!
Ha-ha, that kid's a boce!
49👍 17👎
A fad on newgrounds in the form of an AIM-type emotion that shakes around going "UAHGHAGUGHAUAGUHAUGUHAUGUHHHUAGH!!!" It's the perfect thing to use in "random" movies on Newgrounds.
Piclownjew says "UAGHAUGAUGHUAUG!!!"
4👍 3👎