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What you feel like and taste like in the morning when you wake up after taking too many benzodiazepines the night before. Benzodiazepines are an ingenious class of psychoactives that will put the most nervous, paranoid, and otherwise freaked out bitch's mind at total ease. They gained a really bad rap (one they mostly didnรขย€ย™t deserve) in the 1990s but they are making a comeback among many prescribing psychiatrists and G.P.s who have said "fuck the band wagon" and determined for them selves that these are good drugs. Benzos include: (Valium, Ativan, Librium, Klonopin, Xanax, Halcion, Serax et cetera.

The feeing of being benzo-burnt is very unpleasant and is quite hard to describe to someone who hasn't experienced it, but one notable aspect is a distinctive metallic taste in the mouth that lasts for several hours (depending on how much you took the previous night). Interestingly, the exact taste is unique for each benzodiazepine, with Klonopin and Ativan producing the strongest and most unpleasant of all.

I feel so benzo-burnt! Uhh why won't this taste go away? I'm never taking more than 2mg of Klonopin in a single setting again.

by Seantae-4 the Dr. Dick June 21, 2007

41๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž



Actually this word has an important definition. Shploink is the characteristic sound made when a drop of water falls from a stalagmite. Along with blep, blip, and bloop, the shploink sound is often made (in a very high pitched, false octave) between two male, heterosexual men at a bar when they observe a true fox that looks or acts extremely prudish, and they want to communicate to each other (but on the down low) that they would like to knock the stalagmites off her pussy

Sean and Jacoby are at a bar:
Stupafine girl in a green dress walks by who appears to be too good for all men, and also acts like she is a nun and she is completely uninterested in anyone except J.C.O.L.A.S. and her family:

Sean: blep.. blip.. bloop.. bloopรขย€ยฆ

Jacoby: Shploink!

by Seantae-4 the Dr. Dick June 19, 2007

6๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


a stone baby, the rare result of a late, spontaneously terminated ectopic pregnancy where the fetus becomes calcified. Thought to be, in large part, due to the body's need to prevent host vs. graft disease and the clinical pathology that GVHD might entail

also, used to describe someone way beneath you, especially when the person is of normal quality but you are the absolute shit

You remember lee ann, that fat bitch that always said she was pregnant? She actually had a lithopedion inside her all those years.

You're all lithopedions compared to me

by Seantae-4 the Dr. Dick June 15, 2007

10๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž