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obunga buchunga

The true form of Obama

Obama: it’s time for me, to leave office. *bends over and glows before an explosion of light*
Boy: oh god! It’s obunga buchunga

by Sebby_memez May 10, 2018

Jake grabowski

A slight red neck despite not being southern. A complete fucking dickwad, openly closeted racist, uses the n-word hard r without joking, doesn’t actually hate blacks, really hate Jews

Dude, uganwae got really upset about what Jake grabowski said earlier

Eh it’s fine. It’s not like he’s a Jew or anything

by Sebby_memez January 28, 2019


A useless piece of shit. He lies around all day doing fuck all. He’s overweight but never has the balls to get up and do something about it. He always has to be right about everything and will ruin a night just to try and insist he’s right when he’s clearly not. Usually ugly and weird as well, waddling around like a retard while most people try to avoid him. You can’t rely on him for anything important. A fat, useless, unattractive parasite, you should make sure to steer clear of Sebastian.

“Ew, who’s that gross flabby piece of shit?”

“Ugh. That’s Sebastian. Let’s go.”

by Sebby_memez June 2, 2020

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