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Unknow concept for idiot like mnema Geoff. Average is in range between ft 9 and 5 ft 10 and ideal height according European's survey opinion that you can find digiting "Statista ideal height" is beeteen 5 ft 10 and 6 ft 1, therefore short is below 5 ft 8.5 and 6 ft is not borderline height

"It's more important opinion of statistic institute about average and ideal height or a beggars like mnema Geoff, your mother will be raped and will died of breast cancer and I'm so happy

by Sedorf1995 November 29, 2021

15👍 2👎

Short king

Ideal height for men and women in Great Britain 2019
Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 26, 2021

According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, the perfect height for men, according to 22 percent of survey participants in Great Britain, was between 5 feet 10 inches to 6 feet 1 inch. As for women, 21 percent of respondents stated that the ideal height for a woman should be between 5 feet 5 inches and 5 feet 9 inches.
Characteristic Men Women
Less than 5' 1% 1%
5'1 to 5'4 2% 13%
5'5 to 5'9 8% 21%
5'10 to 6'1 22% 5%
6'2 or above 9% 0%
No opinion 58% 59
Statistics facts vs american ignorante of working class Who data that 6ft Is minimal valute or idiot like MMA Geoff .
5under 5ft 9 bad

5ft9 6ft1 Ideal

5ft11 or so value Ideal

Over 6ft3 too tall
Source statista

Published by Statista Research Department, Nov 26, 2021

According to survey results by Ipsos in Serbia, the height 5'5 to 5'9 feet is ranked as the perfect female height by the majority of respondents (67 percent). The ideal male height for almost half of respondents was in the range from 5 foot 10 inches to 6 foot one. The shortest height rated for males overall was 5 foot 5 inches
Also in Serbia Ideal Is 5ft11 or so not 6ft2 and minimal value Is 5ft 9, therefore short king and giraffe su@@@@ average Is Better, like Brad Pitt or George Clooney

Source statista
Mmea Geoff Who include 5ft 9 in s king Is ridicolous ahahah
Short king no

by Sedorf1995 February 11, 2022

13👍 52👎

short king

Mmea GeoffAmerican beggars who work at McDonald's that makes no difference between concept of average and short.

Range of average is between 5 ft 8.5 and 5 ft 10 therefore 5 ft 9 5 ft 10 is average

According to european's survey opinion ideal height is between 5 ft 10 and 6 ft 1 and 6 ft is not a minimal value
Height preferences are related to time and culture, however, differences remain for men and women. According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, the perfect height for men was higher than the ideal height for women.
According to 45 percent of surveyed participants in Belgium, men's ideal height was between 177 to 185 centimeters. As for women, 49 percent of respondents stated that the ideal height should be between 165 and 175 centimeters."
" New YouGov research into the subject of height finds that men and women both tend to think it's ideal to be slightly above average – but people are fairly open-minded."
3It's very easy for a people with 5ft9 or up appear like 5ft10 or 5ft11 with tailoring, widht structure, waist lines and others

On average, women say a romantic partner 5’3” or shorter is generally too short for comfort, while a partner 6’3” or taller is too tall, and the “ideal” height for a man is 5’11” source yougov
You must search on Google "statista ideal height Mnema Geoff short king

by Sedorf1995 January 21, 2022

9👍 42👎


Scrubs is a man without ambition, energy, loser
But not necessary man who don't have a car
In North Europe north Italy China and advanced country a lot of rich people prefer public transport taxi or high speed train
Prof Cottarelli and more politician are not scrubs
American mindset often is idiot and it's one of the causes of the climate disester
But I agree about idiot who live with his mommy

"don't want no scrub
A scrub is a guy that can't get no love from me
Hanging out the passenger side
Of his best friend's ride
Trying to holler at me
I don't want no scrubs"
"OK but you're probably American who at maximum eat at mcdonald's(I heat in good ristorant in Italy) you have the third media and stink as fuck, you wear h e m i wear Armani, quality not status baby

by Sedorf1995 December 5, 2021

16👍 3👎

Mnema Geoff

American beggars who work at McDonald's that makes no difference between concept of average and short.

Range of average is between 5 ft 8.5 and 5 ft 10 therefore 5 ft 9 5 ft 10 is average

According to european's survey opinion ideal height is between 5 ft 10 and 6 ft 1 and 6 ft is not a minimal value

Height preferences are related to time and culture, however, differences remain for men and women. According to a survey conducted by Ipsos, the perfect height for men was higher than the ideal height for women.
According to 45 percent of surveyed participants in Belgium, men's ideal height was between 177 to 185 centimeters. As for women, 49 percent of respondents stated that the ideal height should be between 165 and 175 centimeters."
" New YouGov research into the subject of height finds that men and women both tend to think it's ideal to be slightly above average – but people are fairly open-minded.

On average, women say a romantic partner 5’3” or shorter is generally too short for comfort, while a partner 6’3” or taller is too tall, and the “ideal” height for a man is 5’11”
You must search on Google "statista ideal height Mnema Geoff"

by Sedorf1995 November 26, 2021