An insult to be used when someone has done something stupid or made a mistake. Something REALLY stupid.
It is insulting because obviosuly you would have to be a real dumbass to buy an N-Gage. That makes this basically the modern form of "You bought a Sega 32X, didn't you?"
Bob: I want to see the Olson Tiwn's new movie!
Bill: You bought an N-Gage didn't you?
Luke: Terence, wheres you kitchen?
Terence: Right over there luke!
*Luke gets lost in the basement*
Terence: Luke! You moron! Your in the basement!?
Mr.Harris: Luke bought an N-Gage didn't he?
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Postal has a number of uses. Normally just used as slang for "gone crazy" or can actually mean the act of going on a shooting spree. The term started after several postal employees went on shooting sprees.
Years after the term was no longer popular a company called "Running with scissors" made an EXTREMELY AWFUL pc game called "postal" which simply featured level after level of badly simpulated shooting sprees across a number of venues such as marching bands, gas stations, military bases, etc... Despite the fact that, had things been left well enough alone, nobody would have ever known this game existed a numvber of events happened to make this game 10 times more popular(but no less awful). First the U.S. Postal Service tried to sue the company over use of the name and failed quite horribly when it was proven that nowhere in the game was there even so much as a single refrence to any actual postal workers. Later, after the coulmbine shootings, Senator Liberman and a group of lazy parents tried to blame increased violence among children on the Video Game industry and Postal got even more free publicity when it was used as an example of violence in games.
What the US Postal Service, Senator Liberman and the fat lazy parents who hate video games failed to realise that their efforts only served to make Postal 10 times as popular as it otherwise ever would have been and nobody who ever actually played the game enjoyed it or tried to emulate it in any way.
Today video games are 10 times as violent and real than Postal ever was and gamers all over the earth hate Senator Liberman. However, anyone who claims to have seen me hanging around outside his house planning to go postal on his ass is nothing but a filthy rotten liar!
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A garment worn by extremely devout followers of the the mormon cult. It is basically a set of long underwear but the mormons beleive it protects them from evil. Some peole might try and argue that it isn't called magic underwear but if it really protects you from evil then its gotta be magic.
You want an example? I donno, ask a mormon for one the next time one comes to your door to convert you.
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The most recent addition to a Sega game series known as Phantasy Star. Many uninformed Sega fans claim that this game "revolutionized" online gaming but they would be wrong as it was neither the first online game nor the first online RPG. Its impossible to ignore the fact that online gaming was popular on the PC years before the Dreamcast was ever invented.
Its impossible to have revolutionized anything by doing the same thing someone else already did years before you. Its even more impossible when they did it even better.
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A suit of magic robot armor in the game Final Fantasy III
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Meaning to outrageously assault anything which is square or retangualr in shape.
Terence Rossercized Wesley's desk causing wesley to fall over and pull the desk down with him.
Sega Slayer Rossercized the Dreamcast with an extremely large pick axe.
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A company that originally broke off from Atari to become the first thrid party developer of the video game industry. Despite their leaving Atari because they didn't like the corporate monney grubbing direction that company was heading they are now every bit as evil and money driven as any other publisher out there. They are famous for releasing buggy hafl assed titles.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. A game so buggy I had to use cheat codes to get past doors that were sealed shut because of a bug.
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