A device use to comb one's chode. Used commonly by stylin' sombitches.
That is one wangtastic chode comb!
13👍 6👎
Illiterate fuckup who can't spell or use proper grammar.
Can are you done with digging the grave?
4👍 6👎
sorry this name is taken, and u cant not post other define for one im wiser than you all.. ikara please eat shit and die.
how does it feel to be owned once again ??/ huh ikarass?
Variation of penis, used commonly by sarcastic hecklers.
I gots a smelly wenis, and it's for you!
8👍 29👎
1) a person whose entire life revolves around anime, Dance Dance Revolution and/or any other Japanese culture icons
2) a complete loser who will never get laid
Latin, Sankis, from early Dynasty/#Uplink iSk.Sankis
Brian, stop being a Sankis.
Only Sankises like you watch Love Hina.
18👍 19👎