Source Code

A box


My mom cant pay the morgage so we are moving into a box.

by Sendmementalhelp October 15, 2019


A kick ass game that has tons of enemies and shit and has building and crafting and there is this shit person named TheLegend27 who keeps ducking stealing my diamonds. (Diamonds are in minecraft. All the "special kids" moved to Fortnite a shitty game that's banned in North Korea and sometimes people who live in China make a United states flag and blow it up in this game. It's fun for the whole family came out May 17th 2009 and created me 9 years of rage because the fucking ghasts keeping killing me.

God damnit I hate when these mother fucking creepers blow up my house in Minecraft.

by Sendmementalhelp May 21, 2019

33👍 6👎

Oak Prairie

There is a teacher named Mr. Coopman who was fired for looking in the girl's locker room and so now they have to have a barricade so he cant look in again. (They rehired him Cuz they couldn't find another gym teacher). There is this teacher who is a cunt named Ms. Fischer and she harassed us every day we were at that school and we always were yelled at and shit for no reason. Mrs. Korienek was the all time feminist. Mrs. Albright was rude. Mrs. Illsowictz was rude. Ms. GH would always read books that said "nigger" and "negro". Mr. Rank would always cuss and run tangents on us. Overall what ever you do don't bring you kids to this school. Thank god I left 3 years ago.

"All the kids who go to Oak Prairie are special ed"

by Sendmementalhelp May 21, 2019

2 apples 1 dog


You mother fucker 2 apples 1 dog

by Sendmementalhelp October 15, 2019

May 28th

The Day Harambe died (national remember harambe day)

I fucking miss him still.

Did you know i made this october 15th about its about May 28th im retarded

by Sendmementalhelp October 15, 2019

21👍 1👎

Goodings Grove

Where children get pet like dogs

Children are dogs at goodings grove (i hate kids)

by Sendmementalhelp October 15, 2019