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Essentially a fucking retard. Mostly encountered in the depths of tumblr or really just the internet in general. Even here, you've got these asswipes posting definitions for their own name or people they hate and either sucking their own dick or ranting about someone else. On top of that, even more fuckwards upvote that shit, so it ends up on the site for the whole fuckin' world to see. Great job volunteers, just fuckin' great.

Common species of Facebook Fuckward: 'Deer skool, y u exizt? suncerly, me nd evry1 else.'

No, that's a real fucking post. People like this breathe our oxygen.

by Senpai Hunter July 22, 2015

1👍 2👎

Justin Bieber

A rather handsome lady.

And, to be more precise, a lady everyone hates. Most eleven year old fucktards come up with unfunny shit like how he/she (idfk) hasn't hit puberty or how 'it' sounds like a girl. While both are true, it is rare indeed to find an original, funny or even mildly humorous comment made against the Biebs. Of course, Justin Beaver (ha! I said 'beaver' instead if 'bieber'! Isn't that just FUCKING hilarious??) doesn't really give two shits, as he already has an army of retarded thirteen year olds to do his bidding and a stackload of their dad's cash.

*Justin Bieber sings*

*Glass breaks*

by Senpai Hunter July 22, 2015

4👍 3👎