Source Code


This is the climax of boredom. By now you have probably tried every single keyboard combination there is and somehow they were all on the urban dictionary. So you type this.
It is typed by typing the last row of letters from left to right zxcvbnm
Then typing the second row of letters from outward to inwards alskdjfhg
And finally the first row from left to right qwertyuiop

Mom: "No son, dont do it!"
Me: "Im sorry"
Me: "zxcvbnmalskdjfhgqwertyuiop"

by Sensei keyboardcombination-san January 22, 2025

El Serpiente

Cobra Kai kid thats rlly good at karate

Me: Who are you?
Miguel Diaz: I am... El Serpiente

by Sensei keyboardcombination-san January 25, 2025