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The Jonas Brothers

A group of homosexuals who banded together after they were thrown out of the Republican National Convention in 2004. They decided that it was time for them to spread their gay message with gay songs and gay lyrics. They are fond of performing homoerotic acts on stage, such as penis-fencing and singing remixed ABBA songs with their whiny voices.

It is a generally accepted truth that Disney CEO Robert Iger decided to support the group after the jonas brother with the caterpillar eyebrows slept with him and performed sex acts that aren't even found in the Kama Sutra or Maxim's 365 Days of Sex Mini Calendar.

Like Hannah Montana, they are Disney RoboCo. androids that have replaced their genitals with I Love Mickey tracking-devices/antennas.

fan girl: liek omg i like totally love the jonas brothers. especially like the one with the fugly like caterpillar eyebrows! They make me think of butterflies!

Sensible gentleman: Fuckwad. They're already butterflies.

Fan girl: I hope they'll have secks with me!

sensible gentleman: HI! Skullfucker, they're gay! Besides, they don't have penises: they have DisneyTracker2000s in their crotches.

by Sensible Gentleman September 3, 2008

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