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Also called police, cops and 12(fuck them) they are the biggest gang in america as well as the most dangerous, they have no problem murdering an unarmed "criminal" in daylight and going home for a paid vacation (doesnt that make you feel protected?) Theyll also kidnap you for having a plant thats so dangerous you need to be removed from society, after that theyll give you a new room with the safest roommates youll ever have, isnt that sweet of them? It doesnt end there though theyll break in and enter your house because daddy government gave them a piece of paper that says its okay, after that theyll threaten you with guns and shoot your dog because its a "threat" no matter how small or harmless it is, but hey atleast they dont uphold shitty laws that incriminate people for victimless crimes while they let real criminals out in a few months and have them put on a list (im sure they really had to fight to keep their coworkers off that list) they also are great lovers with 40% of them being in a happy relationship, no seriously look up police 40% to find those great results, on a final note they like to play victim when they hurt or kill someone because theyre soooo traumatized from the experience

"Hey why do i smell bacon? Oh the pigs are out again nevermind"

by Serial arsonist May 30, 2022