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Mini Nifty

A sample-heavy sound collage band from Grand Rapids, Michigan, known for many comical mixes, but most famous for their 2017 song Women of the World. They are to West Michigan what Negativland is to the San Francisco area.

Julie: What song will you use as the theme to the women's rights event?
Liz: Women of the World by Mini Nifty!
*All women start cheering*

by Seshie June 12, 2018


A PTA meeting that has many mothers in it.

My Mom is in the motherama today.

by Seshie April 22, 2009

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A musician who uses sound looping as the basis of his/her work.

Have you been to the Y2K Loopfest yet? There are some amazing loopers there, and I haven't heard a single looper on the radio yet! They are so underrated!

by Seshie March 14, 2015

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A movie that was originally rated X, but has been edited down to an R rating.

He wanted to watch Pirates, but high-budget porn is expensive; he ended up getting the X2R cut off of YouTube, but it was too softcore for him.

by Seshie March 17, 2015

Insanity Day

A holiday I invented one day, celebrated on March 16. It is celebrated by going wild, which gave the holiday its name. It is also celebrated by singing, dancing, and, best of all, filming the whole scene.

I will be very happy when Insanity Day comes around.

by Seshie January 9, 2009

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Urban Dictionary syndrome

When someone stumbles upon Urban Dictionary when looking for words on Google, thinking that Urban is the name of just another dictionary publisher. They look up a word, find something silly or offensive, and wonder what Urban Dictionary is.

I got Urban Dictionary syndrome in 2007 when I discovered Urban Dictionary looking for big number names like googoldecaplex. I looked up another word and was shocked at a word that came into view.

by Seshie May 3, 2009

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A cold dog.

You better let Fluffy inside before she turns into a pupsicle!

by Seshie June 3, 2018